Saturday, October 17, 2015

Instagram Update

Any advice? #teachersfollowteachers #teacheradvice #needadvice #kindergarten #iteachk #iteachkindergarten #shystudent #firstyearteacher

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Living and Nonliving

This school year has been crazy so far! In science we just wrapped up our living and nonliving unit. We learned the characteristics of living things. For our intro to the topic I gave pairs of students a gummy worm and an earthworm. I asked them to compare the two and notice the differences. We made an anchor chart and got to the conclusion that one was living and the other was nonliving. The kids loved it! Most of them even got up the courage to hold or touch the earthworms. Definitely a great topic intro to get students engaged!

Don't worry afterwards the kids got to eat a clean gummy worm :)

Instagram Update

Got this from a student this week... 😂😂 #thanks? #kindergarten #kindergartener #kindergartenteacher #iteachtoo #iteachk #iteachkinder #iteachkindergarten #teachers #studentgifts #kidsareweird #firstyearteacher

Instagram Update

Saturday morning planning with my @erincondren planners 👍🏻 #kindergarten #kindergartener #kindergartenteacher #iteachtoo #iteachk #iteachkinder #iteachkindergarten #teachers #teachersfollowteachers #teachersofinstagram #planning #teacherlife #firstyearteacher #erincondren #erincondrenlifeplanner

Instagram Update

Love these shoes! Enter the giveaway from @ms.headoftheclass to win your pair!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Instagram Update

Started a feelings board in my classroom this week. We talked a lot about how to identify our feelings and what to do when we feel upset. The students set their mood every morning and can change it during transitions if they need to. They love it so far and they've all been using the vocabulary! #kindergarten #kindergartenteacher #iteachtoo #iteachk #teachersfollowteachers #teachersofinstagram #feelingsboard #classroom #socialemotionaldevelopment