Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A New Adventure

Welcome to my blog and my first blog post! I started this blog after reading all the other teacher blogs on the Internet. These blogs helped me through my education courses and student teaching by providing ideas and advice on all aspects of the classroom.
I recently graduated from Hofstra University in New York with my Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood and Childhood Education as well as Geography. I recently accepted a position at a charter school in Massachusetts as a Teaching Fellow. Although I will not have my own classroom right away, I am excited to start my teaching career working with teachers that have years of experience and will be able to offer advice to improve my own teaching. I do not know what to expect from this type of experience but I am just excited to be able to be in a classroom come September! My new job begins on August 4th with extensive training including two weeks of English Language Learner (ELL) training which, I am excited to learn more about. I'll be sure to continue to update my blog with all my new adventures including my summer job working and planning activities at a summer camp in New Hampshire!

Post Graduation Picture

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