Connection: The students use this one when they have a text to self or text to text connection with a book we are reading. They also tend to use it when they have a connection to something a friend or teacher has said.
Celebrate: We use this as a silent celebration when something exciting happens. We have a sticker chart at the front of our room and students will use it when they get a sticker during a lesson to celebrate themselves. They also love doing it to celebrate classmates when they accomplish something.
Problem: This came up originally in our problem and solution unit but we have adapted it to be used when students have a problem they cannot solve on their own. They use it mostly during a lesson when it would be inappropriate to approach a teacher about a problem.
Think: We technically use this sign for "keep thinking". One of the things we use a lot in our classroom to keep our students engaged is feedback. We ask students to give feedback when a friend gives an answer to a question. The students either give a thumbs up to show they believe the answer is correct or this sign for thinking to tell the classmate to keep thinking about their answer.
We have a lot more signs that are used for specific topics as well as general motions that we have made up to get our point across, which can be tricky when trying to communicate with a student who speaks no English and you are not fluent in Spanish.
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